One of the features of the Bris Milah ceremony includes the recitation of the verse הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו, which is translated in the title above. It seems strange to say this, since we hear a baby crying and can only imagine that he does not feel that what is going on is so good.
Chizkuni on Parshas Shemos gives the following explanation for why we'd say הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו at a bris. In the context of baby Moshe being born, the Torah describes how he is seen to be GOOD ( טוב), and it based on the Midrashic notion that he was born without a foreskin, in other words, he was born circumcised: כי טוב הוא - נולד מהול. ולפי שכתוב בו כי טוב על שם שנולד מהול נהגו העם לומר הודו לה' כי טוב על המילה
We mention the idea that we are experiencing כי טוב after the baby has been circumcised, because that is the way Moshe is described in the Torah as soon as it was discovered that he was circumcised.
This makes this a blessing that the child is now on the same status as the baby who grew to become Moshe Rabbenu! That is indeed something worth celebrating - a celebration of incredible potential!
Another reference to giving thanks is cross-linked in this blog post: