The new year on the secular calendar is an apt time to reflect on where we're at in the MOHELINSOUTHFLORIDA.COM world.
When I moved to Florida 16.5 years ago, there were a handful of mohels that were the "go-to" mohels in South Florida. One has moved to another state. Another has pulled back from being as busy for personal reasons. Another remains the most experienced "go-to" in some communities, but not the only "go-to." Other have increased their clientele and have become more prominent/known/busy.
Since that time, a number of mohels have moved to South Florida - in particular in the last five years - and have changed the landscape a bit. I can't say if the birthrate has changed. That's for the census people and the statisticians to look into. But more mohels definitely means the work is being spread around more.
On a personal note I have always found the summer time to be the busiest time of year - especially with teachers planning babies at that time, and other people planning to enjoy their newborns in the slower times that summer brings.